Избранные публикации 2024 года:
- Sokolov G. M. Complexity of Recognizing Multidistance Graphs in R4 // Mathematical Notes - Том 115, стр. 809–816, 2024, DOI.
- Gribanov, D.V., Malyshev, D.S., Pardalos, P.M. et al. A New and Faster Representation for Counting Integer Points in Parametric Polyhedra // Computational Optimization and Applications - 2024, DOI.
- Akhmejanova M. B., Kozhevnikov V. S. Induced Forests and Trees in Erdős–Rényi Random Graph // Doklady Mathematics - Том 109, стр. 117–120, 2024 , DOI.
- Arab Amir R. Lecture notes on quantum entanglement: From stabilizer states to stabilizer channels // Frontiers of Physics - Том 19, номер статьи 51203, 2024, DOI.
- Dubinin N. A., Neustroeva E. A., Raigorodskii A. M., Shubin Ya. K. Lower and upper bounds for the minimum number of edges in some subgraphs of the Johnson graph // Sbornik: Mathematics - Том 215, выпуск 5, стр. 634–657, 2024, DOI.
- Vakhrushev S., Zhukovskii M. Maximum number of symmetric extensions in the random graph // SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics - Том 38, выпуск 3, сентябрь 2024, DOI.
- Frankl N., Kupavskii A., Sagdeev A. Max-norm Ramsey theory // European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 118, мая 2024, номер статьи 103918, DOI.
- Natalchenko A., Sagdeev A. Monochromatic triangles in the max-norm plane // European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 120, август 2024, номер статьи 103977, DOI.
- Kupavskii A., Noskov F. Octopuses in the Boolean cube: Families with pairwise small intersections, part II // Discrete Mathematics - Том 348, выпуск 2, февраль 2025, номер статьи 114280, DOI.
- Dzhenzher S. V., Sakbaev V. Z. Quantum Law of Large Numbers for Banach Spaces // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics - Том 45, стр. 2485–2494, 2024, DOI.
- Noskov F., Fishkov A., Panov M. Selective Nonparametric Regression via Testing // The 15th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2023) - стр. 1023-1038, 2024, pdf.
- Kupavskii A., Zakharov D. Spread approximations for forbidden intersections problems // Advances in Mathematics - Том 445, май 2024, номер статьи 109653, DOI.
- Dalal S., Gangopadhyay R., Raman R., Ray S. Sweeping Arrangements of Non-Piercing Regions in the Plane // 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) - Том 293, стр. 45:1-45:15, DOI.
- Kupavskii A., Popova E. Tilings of Z with multisets of distances // Discrete Mathematics - Том 347, выпуск 9, сентябрь 2024, номер статьи 114053, DOI.
- Kiselev S., Kupavskii A. Trivial colors in colorings of Kneser graphs // Discrete Mathematics - Том 347, выпуск 4, апрель 2024, номер статьи 113869, DOI.
- Шабанов Д. А. , Шайхеева Т. М. Оценки пороговых вероятностей для свойств дробной раскрашиваемости случайных гиперграфов // Труды Московского физико-технического института - Том 16, выпуск 3, стр. 81-91, link.
- Demin D., Zhukovskii M. First order complexity of finite random structures // LICS '24: Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science - номер статьи 31, стр. 1 - 14, июль 2024, DOI.
Избранные публикации 2023 года:
- Frankl P., Kiselev S., Kupavskii A. Best possible bounds on the number of distinct differences in intersecting families //European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 107, январь 2023, номер статьи 103601, DOI.
- Gangopadhyay R. et al. DELICIOUS: Deadline-Aware Approximate Computing in Cache-Conscious Multicore //IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems - Том 34, выпуск 2, стр. 718-733, февраль 2023, DOI.
- Kolupaev D., Kupavskii A. Erdős matching conjecture for almost perfect matchings //Discrete Mathematics - Том 346, Выпуск 4, апрель 2023, статья 113304, DOI.
- Khuzieva, A., Matveeva, T., Shabanov, D. Estimating the strong r-colorability threshold in random hypergraphs //Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory - Том 12(1), страницы 57-88, март 2023, DOI.
- Barabanshchikova P., Polyanskii A. Intersecting diametral balls induced by a geometric graph II //Discrete Mathematics - Том 347, выпуск 1, январь 2024, статья 113694, DOI.
- Kozhevnikov V., Zhukovskii M. Large cycles in generalized Johnson graphs //Journal of Graph Theory - Том 104, выпуск 4, страницы 904-918, декабрь 2023, DOI.
- Gangopadhyay, R., Ayan Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Number of Uniform Hypergraphs //Graphs and Combinatorics - Том 39, октябрь 2023, статья 114 , DOI.
- Kupavskii A., Volostnov A., Yarovikov Y. Minimum number of partial triangulations //European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 108, февраль 2023, статья 103636, DOI.
- Arseneva E., Gangopadhyay R., Istomina A. Morphing tree drawings in a small 3D grid //Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications - Том 27, выпуск 4, страницы 241-279, 2023, DOI.
- Frankl N., Kupavskii A. Nearly k-distance sets //Discrete & Computational Geometry - Том 70, страницы 455-494, 2023, DOI.
- Kupavskii A., Noskov F. Octopuses in the Boolean cube: families with pairwise small intersections, part I //Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B - Том 163, страницы 308-331, ноябрь 2023, DOI.
- Golovanov A., Kupavskii A., Sagdeev A. Odd-distance and right-equidistant sets in the maximum and Manhattan metrics //European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 107, январь 2023, номер статьи 103603, DOI.
- Cherkashin D., Voronov V. On the chromatic number of 2-dimensional spheres //Discrete & Computational Geometry - Страницы 1-13, март 2023, DOI.
- Denisov, I., Shabanov, D. On the concentration of the independence numbers of random hypergraphs //Discrete Mathematics and Applications - Том 33(1), страницы 7-18, февраль 2023, DOI.
- Denisov, I., Shabanov, D. On the Concentration of Values of j-Chromatic Numbers of Random Hypergraphs //Doklady Mathematics (ДАН) - Том 107(1), страницы 21-27, июнь 2023, DOI.
- Tyapkin, D., Shabanov, D. On the Structure of the Set of Panchromatic Colorings of a Random Hypergraph //Doklady Mathematics (ДАН) - Том 108(1), страницы 286-290, 2023, DOI.
- Valyuzhenich A. Optimal functions with spectral constraints in hypercubes //Discrete Mathematics - Том 347, выпуск 3, март 2024, статья 113816, DOI.
- Styrt O. Orthogonality graphs of matrices over commutative rings //Intelligent systems. Theory and applications - Том 27, выпуск 1, страницы 24-34, 2023, Mathnet.
- Frankl P., Kupavskii A. Perfect matchings in down-sets //Discrete Mathematics - Том 346, Выпуск 5, май 2023, статья 113323, DOI.
- Kupavskii A. Rainbow version of the Erdős Matching Conjecture via concentration //Combinatorial Theory (escholarship) - Том 3, Выпуск 1, 2023, DOI.
- Voronov V., Tolmachev A., Protasov D., Neopryatnaya A. Searching for Distance Graph Embeddings and Optimal Partitions of Compact Sets in Euclidean Space //International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research - Страницы 391-403, сентябрь 2023, DOI.
- Frankl N., Kupavskii A., Sagdeev A. Solution to a conjecture of Schmidt and Tuller on one-dimensional packings and coverings //Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society - Том 151, страницы 2353-2362, 2023, DOI.
- Fulek R., Gärtner B., Kupavskii A., Valtr P., Wagner U. The Crossing Tverberg Theorem //Discrete & Computational Geometry - Июль 2023, DOI.
- Styrt O. Topological and homological properties of the orbit space of a simple three-dimensional compact linear Lie group //Mathematical Notes - Том 113, выпуск 3, страницы 434-440, 2023, DOI.
- Frankl P., Kupavskii A. Uniform intersecting families with large covering number //European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 113, октябрь 2023, статья 103747, DOI.
- Kalinichenko O., Zhukovskii M. Weak saturation stability //European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 114, декабрь 2023, статья 103777, DOI.
- Захаров П. А., Шабанов Д. А. Дробные раскраски случайных гиперграфов //Успехи математических наук (Russian Mathematical Surveys) - Том 78, выпуск 6 (474), страницы 183-184, 2023, DOI.
- Курузов И.А., Рогозин А.В., Чежегов С.А., Купавский А.Б. Устойчивая алгебраическая связность //Программирование - Номер 6, страницы 49-59, ноябрь-декабрь 2023, Sciencejournals.
Избранные публикации 2022 года:
- Glazyrin A., Karasev R., Polyanskii A. Covering by Planks and Avoiding Zeros of Polynomials //International Mathematics Research Notices - 2022, DOI.
- Kupavskii A., Weltge S. Binary scalar products //Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B - Том 156, Страницы 18 - 30, сентябрь 2022, DOI.
- Groenland C., Johnston T., Kupavskii A., (...), Scott A., Tan J. Reconstructing the degree sequence of a sparse graph from a partial deck //Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B - Том 157, Страницы 283 - 293, ноябрь 2022, DOI.
- Kiselev S., Kupavskii A. Sharp bounds for the chromatic number of random Kneser graphs //Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B - Том 157, Страницы 96 - 122, ноябрь 2022, DOI.
- Frankl P., Kupavskii A. The Erdos Matching Conjecture and concentration inequalities //Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B - Том 157, Страницы 366 - 400, ноябрь 2022, DOI.
- Kupavskii A. B., Sagdeev A. A. , Frankl N. Infinite sets can be Ramsey in the Chebyshev metric //Russian Mathematical Surveys - Том 77, выпуск 3, страницы 549-551, 2022, DOI.
- Podder M., Zhukovskii M. Zero-One Laws for Existential First-Order Sentences of Bounded Quantifier Depth //ACM Transactions on Computational Logic - Том 23, выпуск 2, страницы 1-27, апрель 2022, номер статьи 12, DOI.
- Pohoata C., Zakharov D. Zero-sum subsets in vector spaces over finite fields //Algebra and Number Theory - Том 16, страницы 1407-1421, 2022, DOI.
- Frankl N., Kupavskii A. Almost Sharp Bounds on the Number of Discrete Chains in the Plane //Combinatorica - Том 42, страницы 1119-1143, 2022, DOI.
- Isaev M., Southwell A., Zhukovskii M. Distribution of tree parameters by martingale approach //Combinatorics Probability and Computing - Том 31, выпуск 5, страницы 737-764, сентябрь 2022, DOI.
- Pohoata C., Zakharov D. On the Trifference Problem for Linear Codes //IEEE Transactions on Information Theory - Том 68, Выпуск 11, ноябрь 2022, DOI.
- Akhmejanova M., Balogh J., Shabanov D. Chain method for panchromatic colorings of hypergraphs //Discrete Applied Mathematics - Том 321, Страницы 72 - 81, ноябрь 2022, DOI.
- Bulankina V., Kupavskii A. Choice number of Kneser graphs //Discrete Mathematics - Том 345, Выпуск 11, ноябрь 2022, Номер статьи 113097, DOI.
- Kozhevnikov V.S., Raigorodskii A.M., Zhukovskii M.E. Large cycles in random generalized Johnson graphs //Discrete Mathematics - Том 345, выпуск 3, март 2022, номер статьи 112721, DOI.
- Frankl P., Kiselev S., Kupavskii A. On the maximum number of distinct intersections in an intersecting family //Discrete Mathematics - Том 345, Выпуск 4, апрель 2022, Номер статьи 112757, DOI.
- Balogh J., Zhukovskii M. On the sizes of large subgraphs of the binomial random graph //Discrete Mathematics - Том 345, выпуск 2, номер статьи 112675, DOI.
- Malyshkin Y.A., Zhukovskii M.E. γ-variable first-order logic of uniform attachment random graphs //Discrete Mathematics - Том 345, выпуск 5, май 2022, статья 112802, DOI.
- Semchankau A., Shabanov D., Shkredov I. Number of A+B?C solutions in abelian groups and application to counting independent sets in hypergraphs //European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 100, февраль 2022, Номер статьи 103453, DOI.
- Frankl N., Kiselev S., Kupavskii A., Patkos B. VC-saturated set systems //European Journal of Combinatorics - Том 104, август 2022, Номер статьи 103528, DOI.
- Semenov A.S., Shabanov D.A. Bounds on Threshold Probabilities for Coloring Properties of Random Hypergraphs //Problems of Information Transmission - Том 58, Выпуск 1, Страницы 72 - 101, апрель 2022, DOI.
- Pirahmad O., Polyanskii A., Vasilevskii A. Intersecting Diametral Balls Induced by a Geometric Graph //Discrete and Computational Geometry - 2022, DOI.
- Frankl P., Holmsen A., Kupavskii A. Intersection Theorems for Triangles //Discrete and Computational Geometry - Том 68, Выпуск 3, Страницы 728 - 737, октябрь 2022, DOI.
- Volkov N.A., Dmitriev D.I., Zhukovskii M.E. Behavior of Binomial Distribution near Its Median //Doklady Mathematics - Том 105, Страницы 89-91, апрель 2022, DOI.
- Golovanov A., Kupavskii A., Sagdeev A. Odd-Distance Sets and Right-Equidistant Sequences in the Maximum and Manhattan Metrics //Doklady Mathematics - Том 106, страницы 340-342, 2022, DOI.
- Bogdanov I.I., Grigoryan O.R., Zhukovskii M.E. On Coverings of Tori with Cubes //Doklady Mathematics - Том 105, Выпуск 2, Страницы 75 - 77, апрель 2022, DOI.
- Matveeva T.G., Khuzieva A.E., Shabanov D.A. On the Strong Chromatic Number of Random Hypergraphs //Doklady Mathematics - Том 105, Выпуск 1, Страницы 31 - 34, февраль 2022, DOI.
- Kirova V.O., Sagdeev A.A. Two-Colorings of Normed Spaces with No Long Monochromatic Unit Arithmetic Progressions //Doklady Mathematics - Том 106, страницы 348-350, 2022, DOI.
- Chernega N., Polyanskii A., Sadykov R. Disjoint Edges in Geometric Graphs //Graphs and Combinatorics - Том 38, Выпуск 5, октябрь 2022, Номер статьи 162, DOI.
- Akhmejanova M., Shabanov D.A. Equitable Colorings of Hypergraphs with r Colors //Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States) - Том 262, Выпуск 4, Страницы 391 - 405, апрель 2022, DOI.
- Golovanov A. On the maximum size packings of disks with kissing radius 3 //Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory - Выпуск 11, 2022, страницы 263-286, статья 3, DOI.
Избранные публикации 2021 года:
- S.V. Danielyan, A.E. Guterman, T.W. Ng: Integrability of diagonalizable matrices and a dual Schoenberg type inequality //Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - 2021, June, Volume: 498 Issue: 2 124909. DOI.
- Nikolay Bogachev, Alexander Kolpakov: On Faces of Quasi-arithmetic Coxeter Polytopes //International Mathematics Research Notices - 2021, February, Volume 2021, Issue 4, Pages 3078-3096. DOI.
- Boris Goldengorin, Vadim Romanuke: Online heuristic for the preemptive single machine scheduling problem to minimize the total weighted tardiness //Computers & Industrial Engineering - 2021 May, Volume 155, 107090. DOI
- Vasilyeva, Kozlov, Alfaro-Bittner, Musatov, Raigorodskii, Perc, Boccaletti: Multilayer representation of collaboration networks with higher-order interactions //SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - 2021, March, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, 5666. DOI.
- K. Kovalenko, I. Sendiña-Nadal, N. Khalil, A. Dainiak, D. Musatov, A.M. Raigorodskii, K. Alfaro Bittner, B. Barzel, S. Boccaletti: Growing scale-free simplices //COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS - 2021, March, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 43. DOI.
- X.Dai K.Kovalenko M.Molodyk Z.Wangab X.Lib D.Musatov A.M.Raigorodskii K.Alfaro-Bittner G.D.Cooper Biancon, S.Boccaletti: D-dimensional oscillators in simplicial structures: odd and even dimensions display different synchronization scenarios //Chaos, Solitons & Fractals - 2021, May, Volume 146, 110888. DOI.
- Andrey Kupavskii, Alexandr Polyanskii, István Tomon, Dmitriy Zakharov: The Extremal Number of Surfaces //International Mathematics Research Notices - 2021, May. DOI.
- Maria Dostert and Alexander Kolpakov: Kissing number in non-Euclidean spaces of constant sectional curvature //Mathematics of Computation - 2021, APR. DOI.
- Pach, Janos; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gabor: Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments //Advances in Mathematics - 2021, August Volume 3866 107779. DOI.
- Yang, B., Rassias, M.Th., Raigorodskii, A. On an Extension of a Hardy-Hilbert-Type Inequality with Multi-Parameters // Mathematics - 2021, October, Volume 9, Issue 19, Article number 2432, DOI.
- Kovalenko, K., Dai, X., Alfaro-Bittner, K., Raigorodskii А., Perc, M., Boccaletti, S. Contrarians synchronize beyond the limit of pairwise interactions // Physical Review Letters - 2021, December, Volume 127, Issue 2517, Article number 258301, DOI.
- Nora Frankl, Andrey Kupavskii: Diversity //Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A - 2021, August, Volume 182, 105468. DOI.
- Grigory Ivanov, Igor Tsiutsiurupa: Functional Lowner Ellipsoids //JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS - 2021, May. DOI.
- Grigory Ivanov: No-dimension Tverberg's theorem and its corollaries in Banach spaces of type //The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society - 2021, online. DOI.
- Nora Frankl: Large Equilateral Sets in Subspaces of ℓ ∞ n of Small Codimension //Discrete and Computational Geometry - 2021, January. DOI.
- P Frankl, A Holmsen, A Kupavskii: Intersection theorems for triangles //Discrete & Computational Geometry - 2021, APR. DOI.
- Michael Th. Rassias, Bicheng Yang and Andrei Raigorodskii: Equivalent Properties of Two Kinds of Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities //SYMMETRY-BASEL - 2021, June, 13(6), 1006. DOI.
- J Pach, I. Tomon: Erdős-Hajnal-type results for monotone paths //Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B - 2021, November Volume 151, Pages 21 - 37. DOI.
- Keszegh, B., Lemons, N., Martin, R.R., Pálvölgyi, D., Patkós, B. Induced and non-induced poset saturation problems // Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A - 2021, November, Volume 184, Article number 105497, DOI.
- A Kupavskii, A Sagdeev All finite sets are Ramsey in the maximum norm // Forum of Mathematics, Sigma - 2021, August, Volume 9, DOI.
- Tomon, I., Zakharov, D Turán-type results for intersection graphs of boxes // Combinatorics Probability and Computing - 2021, 30, pp. 982-987, DOI.
- Fox, J., Pach, J., Suk, A. Bounded VC-Dimension Implies the Schur-Erdos Conjecture // Combinatorica - 2021, November, DOI.
- Polyanskii, A A Cap Covering Theorem // Combinatorica - 2021, October, Volume 41, Issue 5, pages 695-702, DOI.
- P. Frankl, A. Kupavskii: Beyond the Erdős Matching Conjecture //EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS - 2021, June, Volume: 95, 103338. DOI.
- B. Patkos and others: Adaptive majority problems for restricted query graphs and for weighted sets //DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS - 2021, January, Volume: 288, Pages: 235-245. DOI.
- Frankl, P.: On the number of distinct differences in an intersecting family //Discrete Mathematics - 2021, February, Volume: 344, Issue: 2 112210. DOI.
- G. Ivanov: On the volume of projections of the cross-polytope //Discrete Mathematics - 2021, May, 112312, Volume 344, Issue 5,. DOI.
- R Aharoni, J Briggs, J Kim, M Kim: Badges and rainbow matchings //Discrete Mathematics - 2021, June, Volume: 344, Issue: 6, 112363. DOI.
- Frankl, P., Kupavskii, A.: Almost intersecting families //Electronic Journal of Combinatorics - 2021, Volume 28, Issue 2, P2.7. DOI.
- Dániel Gerbner, Dániel T. Nagy, Balázs Patkós, Máté Vizer: Supersaturation, counting, and randomness in forbidden subposet problems //Electronic Journal of Combinatorics - 2021, February, Volume: 28, Issue: 1, P1.40. DOI.
- Grigory Ivanov: Tight frames and related geometric problems //Canadian Mathematical Bulletin - 2020, online, pp. 1 - 22. DOI.
- Naszódi, M., Polyanskii, A. Perron and Frobenius meet Caratheodory // Electronic Journal of Combinatorics - 2021, Volume 28, Issue 3, Article number P3.26, DOI.
- Gerbner, D., Patkós, B., Tuza, Z., Vizer, M. On saturation of Berge hypergraphs // European Journal of Combinatorics - 2022, May, Volume 102, Article number 103477, DOI.
- Frankl, P. On the size of shadow-added intersecting families // European Journal of Combinatorics - 2021, February, Volume 92, Article number 103243, DOI.
- Semchankau, A., Shabanov, D., Shkredov, I. Number of A + B ≠ C solutions in abelian groups and application to counting independent sets in hypergraphs // European Journal of Combinatorics - 2022, February, Volume 100, Article number 103453, DOI.
- Gerbner, D., Nagy, D.T., Patkós, B., Vizer, M. Forbidden subposet problems in the grid // Discrete Mathematics - 2022, March, Volume 345, Issue 3, Article number 112720, DOI.
- K. I. Olmezov: An Elementary Analog of the Operator Method in Additive Combinatorics //Mathematical Notes - 2021, Volume 109, Issue 1, Pages 117-128. DOI.
- D. Nagy, B. Patkos: On L-close Sperner systems //Graphs and Combinatorics - 2021, February 12. DOI.
- Frankl, P.: On the arithmetic mean of the size of cross-union families //Acta Mathematica Hungarica - 2021, June, Volume: 164, Issue: 1 ,Pages: 312-325. DOI.
- YA Demidovich, ME Zhukovskii: Chromatic Numbers of Distance Graphs without Short Odd Cycles in Rational Spaces //Mathematical Notes - 2021, Volume 109, Issue 5, Pages 723-733. DOI.
- Grigory Ivanov, Igor Tsiutsiurupa: On the volume of sections of the cube //Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces - 2021, Volume 9 Issue 1. DOI.
- Ishkina, Sh Kh; Vorontsov, K. V. Sharpness: Estimation of Combinatorial Generalization Ability Bounds for Threshold Decision Rules //Automation and Remote Control - 2021, May Volume 82, Issue 5, Pages 863 - 876. DOI.
- Nilov, F.K., Polyanskii, A.A. A Sylvester-Gallai Type Theorem for Abelian Groups // Mathematical Notes 2021, July, Volume 110, Issue 1-2, pages 110 - 117, DOI.
Избранные публикации 2020 года:
- G Ivanov, M Naszódi, A Polyanskii: Approximation of the average of some random matrices. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2020, октябрь, Том: 279, Выпуск: 7, Номер статьи: 108684.
- Andrey Kupavskii, Dmitriy Zakharov: The right acute angles problem? European Journal of Combinatorics. 2020, октябрь, Том: 89, Номер статьи: 103144.
- Andrey Kupavskii, Zhivotovskiy N.: When are epsilon-nets small? Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 2020, июнь, Том: 110, Стр. 22-36.
- János Pach, Reed B., Yuditsky Y.: Almost All String Graphs are Intersection Graphs of Plane Convex Sets. Discrete & Computational Geometry volume. 2020, июнь, Том: 63, Выпуск: 4, Специальный выпуск: SI Стр. 888-917.
- S Bustamante, J Corsten, Nora Frankl, A Pokrovskiy: Partitioning Edge-Colored Hypergraphs into Few Monochromatic Tight Cycles. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 2020, Том: 34,Выпуск: 2, Стр. 1460-147
- K. I. Olmezov: Sharpening an Estimate of the Size of the Sumset of a Convex Set. Mathematical Notes. 2020, май, Том: 107, Выпуск: 5-6, Стр. 984-987
- T. Schoen & I. D. Shkredov: L-functions and sum-free sets. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 2020, август, Том: 161, Выпуск: 2, Специальный выпуск: SI, Стр. 427-442
- János Pach, István Tomon: Colorings with only rainbow arithmetic progressions. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. 2020, август, Том: 161, Выпуск: 2 Специальный выпуск: SI, Стр. 507-515
- Andreas F. Holmsen, Hossein Nassajian Mojarrad, János Pach, Gábor Tardos: Two extensions of the Erdos-Szekeres problem. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2020, Том: 22, Выпуск: 12, Стр. 3981-3995
- Andrey Kupavskii, A A Sagdeev: Ramsey theory in a space with Chebyshev metric. Russian Mathematical Surveys. 2020, Том: 75, Выпуск: 5, стр. 965
- R Zhang, M E Zhukovskii, M I Isaev, I V Rodionov: Extreme value theory for triangular arrays of dependent random variables. Russian Mathematical Surveys. 2020, Том: 75, выпуск 5 (455), стр. 193-194
- Sergei Kiselev, Andrey Kupavskii: Rainbow matchings in k-partite hypergraphs. Bulletin of the London Mathematical society. 2020, октябрь
- Andrey Kupavskii: The VC-dimension of k-vertex d-polytopes. Combinatorica. 2020, ноябрь
- János Pach, Gábor Tardos, Géza Tóth: Disjointness graphs of segments in the space. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. 2020, ноябрь
- K. I. Olmezov: Additive Properties of Slowly Increasing Convex Sets. Mathematical Notes. 2020, ноябрь, Том: 108, Выпуск: 5-6, Стр. 827-841
- Daniel Korandi, János Pach, István Tomon: Large homogeneous submatrices . SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 2020, Том: 34, Выпуск: 4, Стр. 2532-2552
- Michael Th. Rassias, Bicheng Yang and Andrei Raigorodskii: On a More Accurate Reverse Hilbert-Type Inequality in the Whole Plane. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities. 2020, ноябрь, Том: 14, Стр. 1359-1374
- Balázs Patkós: On the general position problem on Kneser graphs. Ars Mathematica Contemporeana. 2020, Том: 18, Выпуск: 2, Стр. 273-280
- Peter Frankl: On the size of shadow-added intersecting families. European Journal of Combinatorics. 2021, February, Volume 92, Номер статьи 103243
- Peter Frankl, Andrey Kupavskii: Simple Juntas for Shifted Families. DISCRETE ANALYSIS. 2020, сентябрь, Номер статьи: 14
- Alexander Guterman, Pavel Shteyner: Linear converters of weak, directional and strong majorizations. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 2021, март, Том 613, стр. 320-346
Избранные публикации 2019 года:
Янош Пах:- Andrey Kupavskii, János Pach, István Tomon: On the Size of K-Cross-Free Families. Combinatorica 39(1): 153-164 (2019).
- Akitoshi Kawamura, Sonoko Moriyama, Yota Otachi, János Pach: A lower bound on opaque sets. Comput. Geom. 80: 13-22 (2019).
- Jacob Fox, János Pach, Andrew Suk: Approximating the rectilinear crossing number. Comput. Geom. 81: 45-53 (2019).
- Radoslav Fulek, János Pach: Thrackles: An improved upper bound. Discret. Appl. Math. 259: 226-231 (2019).
- Jacob Fox, János Pach, Andrew Suk: Erdős-Hajnal Conjecture for Graphs with Bounded VC-Dimension. Discret. Comput. Geom. 61(4): 809-829 (2019).
- János Pach, István Tomon: Ordered graphs and large bi-cliques in intersection graphs of curves. Eur. J. Comb. 82 (2019).
- János Pach, Géza Tóth: Many touchings force many crossings. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 137: 104-111 (2019).
- Jacob Fox, János Pach, Andrew Suk: Semi-Algebraic Colorings of Complete Graphs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2019: 36:1-36:12.
- János Pach, István Tomon: On the Chromatic Number of Disjointness Graphs of Curves. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2019: 54:1-54:17.
- János Pach, István Tomon: Coloring Hasse Diagrams and Disjointness Graphs of Curves. GD 2019: 244-250.
- János Pach, Natan Rubin, Gábor Tardos: Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments. STOC 2019: 1158-1166.
- János Pach, Reed B., Yuditsky Y.: Almost All String Graphs are Intersection Graphs of Plane Convex Sets. Discrete & Computational Geometry volume. June 2020, 63 (4), SI, pp. 888-917.
- János Pach, István Tomon: Colorings with only rainbow arithmetic progressions. Acta Mathematica Hungarica. August 2020, 161 (2) SI, pp. 507-515
- Andreas F. Holmsen, Hossein Nassajian Mojarrad, János Pach, Gábor Tardos: Two extensions of the Erdos-Szekeres problem. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2020, 22 (12), pp. 3981-3995
- János Pach, Gábor Tardos, Géza Tóth: Disjointness graphs of segments in the space. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. November 2020
- Daniel Korandi, János Pach, István Tomon: Large homogeneous submatrices . SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 2020, 34 (4), pp. 2532-2552
- Jacob Fox, János Pach & Andrew Suk: The Schur-Erdős problem for sesmi-algebraic colorings. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2020
- M. Csikós, A. Kupavskii, N. Mustafa, Optimal bounds on the VC-dimension, Journal of Machine Learning Research 20 (2019), pp. 81.1-81.8
- A. Kupavskii, Degree versions of theorems on intersecting families via stability, J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 168 (2019), pp. 272-287.
- F. Ihringer, A. Kupavskii, Regular intersecting families, Disc. Appl. Math. 270 (2019), pp. 142-152.
- P. Frankl, A. Kupavskii, Families of sets with no matching of sizes 3 and 4, European Journal of Combinatorics 75 (2019), pp. 123-135.
- P. Frankl, A. Kupavskii, Partition-free families of sets, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 119 (2019), N2, pp. 440-468.
- P. Frankl, A. Kupavskii, Two problems on matchings in set families - in the footsteps of Erdős and Kleitman, J. Comb. Th. Ser. B 138 (2019), pp. 286-313.
- A. Kupavskii, N. Mustafa, K. Swanepoel, Bounding the size of an almost-equidistant set in Euclidean space, Comb. Probab. Comput. 28 (2019), N2, pp. 280-286.
- P. Frankl, A. Kupavskii, Some results around the Erdős Matching Conjecture, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88 (2019), N3, pp. 695-699.
- S. Kiselev, A. Kupavskii, Sharp bounds for the chromatic number of random Kneser graphs, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88 (2019), N3, pp. 861-865.
- N. Frankl, A. Kupavskii, Nearly k-distance sets, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88 (2019), N3, pp. 689-693.
- R. Fulek, B. Gärtner, A. Kupavskii, P. Valtr, U. Wagner, The crossing Tverberg Theorem, Proceedings of SoCG'19, 38:1-38:13.
- Kupavskii, J. Pach, I. Tomon, On the size of k-cross-free families, Combinatorica 39 (2019), N1, pp. 153-164.
- Andrey Kupavskii, Dmitriy Zakharov: The right acute angles problem? European Journal of Combinatorics. 2020 October, 89, article number: 103144.
- Andrey Kupavskii, Zhivotovskiy N.: When are epsilon-nets small? Journal of Computer and System Sciences. June 2020, 110, pp. 22-36.
- Andrey Kupavskii, A A Sagdeev: Ramsey theory in a space with Chebyshev metric. Russian Mathematical Surveys. 2020, 75 (5), pp. 965
- Sergei Kiselev, Andrey Kupavskii: Rainbow matchings in k-partite hypergraphs. Bulletin of the London Mathematical society. October 2020
- Andrey Kupavskii: The VC-dimension of k-vertex d-polytopes. Combinatorica. November 2020
- Peter Frankl, Andrey Kupavskii: Simple Juntas for Shifted Families. DISCRETE ANALYSIS. 2020, September, article number: 14
- A. Polyanskii, On almost-equidistant sets II, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26(2), #P2.14.
- A. Polyanskii, On simultaneous approximations of in $3$ and ${pi}/{sqrt{3}}$ by rational numbers, Sbornik Mathematics 210(4), pp. 589-605.
- A. Polyanskii, On almost-equidistant sets, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 563, pp. 220-230.
- R. Pinchasi, A. Polyanskii, A One-Page Solution of a Problem of Erdős and Purdy, Discrete & Computational Geometry, pp. 1-4.
- G Ivanov, M Naszódi, A Polyanskii: Approximation of the average of some random matrices. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2020 October, 279 (7), article number: 108684.
- A. Sagdeev, On the Partition of an Odd Number into Three Primes in a Prescribed Proportion, Mathematical Notes, 2019, Vol. 106, No. 1, pp. 98-107.
- A. Sagdeev, A. Raigorodskii, On a Frankl-Wilson theorem and its geometric corollaries, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 2019, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 1029-1033.
- Andrey Kupavskii, A A Sagdeev: Ramsey theory in a space with Chebyshev metric. Russian Mathematical Surveys. 2020, 75 (5), pp. 965
- J. Balogh, D. Cherkashin, S. Kiselev, Coloring general Kneser graphs and hypergraphs via high-discrepancy hypergraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, 2019, pp. 228-236.
- S. Kiselev, A. Kupavskii, Sharp bounds for the chromatic number of random Kneser graphs, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 88 (2019), N3, 861-865.
- Sergei Kiselev, Andrey Kupavskii: Rainbow matchings in k-partite hypergraphs. Bulletin of the London Mathematical society. October 2020
- L. E. Shabanov, Turán-Type Results for Distance Graphs in an Infinitesimal Plane Layer, Journal of Mathematical Sciences,February 2019, Volume 236, Issue 5, pp 554-578.