Combinatorics online worldwide

combinatorics online around the world

On this page we will post the list of closest online events that take place in different Universities. Full information is in the Princeton list of online seminars
Aug 20, Thu
11.00 (MSK)
SCMS combinatorics seminar
Oliver Janzer (Cambridge)
Rainbow Turán number of even cycles
Aug 20, Thu
18.00 (MSK)
Frontiers of parameterized complexity seminar
Pasin Manurangsi (Google Res.)
The complexity of adversarially robust proper learning of halfspaces with agnostic noise
Aug 24, Mon
17.00 (MSK)
Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics webinar
Jan Grebik (Warwick)
Large deviation principle for graphons
Aug 24, Mon
19.00 (MSK)
Webinar in additive combinatorics
Akshat Mudgal (Bristol)
Diameter free estimates for Vinogradov systems
Aug 26, Wed
04.00 (MSK)
CMSA seminar
Tuan Tran (Hanoi UST.)
Singularity of random combinatorial matrices
Aug 26, Wed
04.30 (MSK)
IBS virtual discrete math colloquium
Nick Brettell (Victoria)
Aug 17, Mon
17.00 (MSK)
Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics webinar
Mehtaab Sawhney (MIT)
Local limit theorems for subgraph counts
Aug 17, Mon
19.00 (MSK)
Webinar in additive combinatorics
Will Sawin (Columbia)
The quadratic Bateman-Horn conjecture over $F_q[u]$
Aug 17, Mon
22.00 (MSK)
Graphs and matroids seminar
Sophie Spirkl (Waterloo)
A graph-based introduction to the chromatic symmetric function
Aug 19, Wed
04.00 (MSK)
CMSA seminar
Tamás Makai (Royal Holloway Coll.)
Majority dynamics in the dense binomial random graph
Aug 19, Wed
10.30 (MSK)
IBS virtual discrete math colloquium
Gwenaël Joret (Bruxelles)
Packing and covering balls in graphs excluding a minor
June 30, Tue
16.00 (MSK)
NE combinatorics network colloquium
Cheryl Praeger (U. W. Australia)
Diagonal structures and permutation groups
July 2, Thu
19.00 (MSK)
József Balogh (Illinois)
Independent sets in regular graphs
July 3, Fri
15.00 (MSK)
Bordeaux graph seminar
Torsten Ueckerdt (Karlsruhe)
Page numbers: old and new
July 6, Mon
16.00 (MSK)
Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics webinar
József Balogh (Illinois)
Extensions of Mantel’s theorem
July 6, Mon
19.00 (MSK)
Webinar in additive combinatorics
Sophie Stevens (RICAM)
An update on the sum-product problem
July 9, Tue
05.00 (MSK)
SCMS combinatorics seminar
Yifan Jing (Illinois)
Structures of sets with minimum measure growth
July 9, Thu
19.00 (MSK)
Fedor Petrov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
List colorings of direct products