Bhargav Narayanan “Finding homeomorphs”

April 30, 2020
19.00 MSK (UTC +3)

Bhargav Narayanan "Finding homeomorphs"

Bhargav Narayanan from Rutgers University in USA will give the talk "Finding homeomorphs" on the labs' Big Seminar.

The talk will be held in zoom
Meeting ID: 279-059-822
Password: first 6 decimal places of $\pi$

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A number of interesting problems at the interface of topology and combinatorics arise when we view r-uniform hypergraphs as (r-1)-dimensional simplicial complexes. I’ll talk about some recent developments around the Dirac and Turan problems for 3-graphs or equivalently, 2-complexes.

Watch the lecture on youtube:

Everyone is invited to attend. The language of the lecture is English. The event is aimed at master and graduate students, as well as researchers in the field of combinatorics.