Ilya Shkredov


Steklov Mathematical Institute, MSU and MIPT, Moscow
Research interests:

Combinatorial Number Theory, Combinatorial Ergodic Theory, Additive Combinatorics, classical Number Theory

Short Bio

I am a mathematician. I specialize in Combinatorial Number Theory, Combinatorial Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics. I am also interested in some questions of classical Number Theory. I got my PhD in 2005 and the second Russian scientific degree (Doctor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences) in 2009.

My supervisor was Nikolay G. Moshchevitin, Full Professor of Moscow State University. Among his former PhD students are Andrey Raigorodsky, Renat Akhunzhanov, Oleg German, Irina Rezvyakova, Anna Dushistova.

I am a prize-winner of Pierre Deligne grant in 2007 (Pierre Deligne earned the Balzan Fondation Prize 2004), I won the grant of the President of Russia several times, as well as, RFBR, mol_a_ved and others.

Currently I am a leading researcher at Steklov Mathematical Institute. I am also a Full Professor at the Division of Dynamical Systems of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and a researcher at the Institute for Information Transmition Problems RAS. I had two postdoctoral positions : in 2007 at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA, term “Arithmetic Combinatorics”, and in 2008 at MSRI, Berkeley, USA, term “Dynamical Systems and Additive Combinatorics”. I was a consultant at Microsoft Research for four times.

I take part in Moscow Number Theory seminar, the seminar “Exponential sums and its applications” and some others. Together with S.V. Konyagin I am the head of the seminar "Modern problems of Number Theory".

Every year I read a special course “Szemeredi’s Theorem and Fourier Analysis” at the Department of Mechanics & Mathematics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. We study some parts of Additive Combinatorics, Number Theory and Ergodic Theory.

Lab videos


See the list of publications and more information about Ilya Shkredov's work on his personal page