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Events archive

Events archive:

May - June, 2021
December 2 - 4, 2020
Mini-conference online
September 23 - 25, 2020
Online Workshop

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событие November 29 and December 2, 201917.00 - 18.30

Two lectures by István Tomon "Intersection graphs of geometric objects"

Dolgoprudny MIPT Arctica and Main building

"In the past 60 years, graph theoretic properties of such intersection graphs are extensively studied both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. In this mini-course, I will survey some classical and recent results about Ramsey and coloring properties of geometric intersection graphs, along with numerous open problems."

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событие November 26-28, 201916.00 - 17.00 / 17.00 - 18.00

Mini-course by Gábor Tardos "Extremal theory of vertex- and edge-ordered graphs"

Dolgoprudny MIPT Arctic building

Prof. Gábor Tardos will give 3 lectures at MIPT in November 2019. The first and the second lecture will be part of the "Combinatorics and Geometry Days I" conference. On November 28 there will be the final lecture of the course from 17.00 to 18.00. All the lectures will take place in the lecture auditorium on the 4th floor of the Arctic building.

"The basic question of Turan type extremal graph theory is the maximum number of edges in a simple graph on n vertices that does not contain a specified "forbidden" subgraph (or any one of several forbidden subgraphs). This is a classical topic of combinatorics with many deep results and lot of questions that are still open...

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November 26 - 27, 2019

Combinatorics and Geometry Days I

событие October 12-18, 2019

Workshop "Open problems in combinatorics and geometry"

Adygea Maykop

... "During the first part of the workshop, we will concentrate on solving and discussing open problems suggested by the participants. During the last two days in Maikop, we will have some contributed talks and public lectures as part of the conference "Caucasus mathematical readings"...

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событие September 16-20, 201913.55 - 15.20

Mini-course by Prof. Ron Aharoni "Choice functions"

Dolgoprudny MIPT Arctic building

Ron Aharoni will give 3 lectures in the lecture auditorium on the 4th floor of the Arctic building.

In this mini-course, he will introduce us to the multi-colored analogues of some of the well-known combinatorial theorems, as well as interesting open questions in the field and the topological and combinatorial basics necessary to obtain these results.

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